You Agree...
As a VirtaPay user and account holder, you agree to never promote or advertise the VirtaPay service in ways that the Internet community at large find generally unacceptable (“Spam”).
Allowed: Sending an email to a close friend or relative, inviting them to join VirtaPay.
Not Allowed: Sending an email inviting anyone else to join VirtaPay.
Public Postings Online
Allowed: Posting a message to a forum or message board where the topic is directly related to the type of service VirtaPay provides and where you are a respected and regular poster.
Not Allowed: Posting a message to any forum, message board, or any other public or semi-public place online, where you are either new to the community and/or your posting would be off-topic.
The Consequences
If we find that you are spamming...
Things that will happen:
Things that will happen:
- We will immediately terminate your account.
- You will lose your entire account balance.
- We might charge you money to repair the damage you've done to our service.
- We might pursue legal action against you.
The Bottom Line
Spam can only hurt VirtaPay and annoy the Internet community. Don't do it. Ever.